Objectives of IPSANZ


The Society has been established as an association of people who work with intellectual property laws (lawyers, patent attorneys, licensing managers and academics) and those who are users of these laws. It provides a unique forum in which to meet and discuss current problems and developments in this fascinating and rapidly expanding area.

Intellectual property rights underpin much of the investment of time, money and resources that is expended in the process of innovation in our society. Through the laws of patents, copyright, designs, trade marks, unfair competition and trade secrets, protection is given to those who create, develop and market new concepts and ideas across a vast range of industries and occupations.

The Society organises dinner meetings and seminars, at which recent developments in intellectual property laws are discussed and debated and the education of members is advanced. These meetings and seminars give you the opportunity to meet eminent national and international guest speakers, as well as other members of the Society, many of whom are experts in the intellectual property area – in an informal atmosphere.

It is the perfect time for asking questions and getting to know people who might be working in an area similar to your own. Meetings are held regularly in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland and Wellington. The Society also holds an annual conference at a different venue each year which offers an extensive program of topics including patents, copyright and trade marks. The annual conference invariably attracts a large number of participants.

IPSANZ provides a forum for its members to discuss issues relevant to the profession. It does not provide advice or take stands on any issues nor does it make any submissions nor take any political stand or submit on any political issues. Notwithstanding the Society’s policy, it does not prevent individual members from submitting their own personal submissions. One of the main aims of the Society is to promote the education status and training of members within the intellectual property field, and to maintain a high standard of professional conduct and knowledge.

The purposes of the Society are:

  • to study the law and practice relating to intellectual property in Australia and elsewhere and to encourage the efficient administration and development of such law and practice;

  • to facilitate the dissemination, to members of the Society and to the public, of knowledge of the law and practice relating to intellectual property and the protection of such property in Australia and elsewhere;

  • to provide opportunities for people seeking to improve their knowledge of intellectual property law and practice to gain useful knowledge at reasonable cost by meeting persons of experience in intellectual and industrial property or with knowledge of interest to members of the Society in the intellectual property arena;

  • to encourage the rational development and efficient administration of the law and practice relating to intellectual property and its protection in order to promote the cultural, economic and social well-being of Australia;

  • to encourage awareness in business, industry and the general public of the benefits likely to flow from the proper application and practice of intellectual property law; and

  • to promote goodwill, understanding, the interchange of ideas and the stimulation of discussion between those interested in intellectual property protection and related matters.

IPSANZ 37th Annual Conference is coming up!

Join us in Queenstown, New Zealand on the weekend of 30 August to 1 September 2024.

Please watch this space for further details.